In this sing-along video, Nanny appears as a tall, slender young woman instead of a plump elderly woman as in her other appearances, including the 101 Dalmatians live-action remake this sing-along video is promoting at the time.On the 1998 laserdisc release, the title card is missing.The only volume without sing-along words on the screen, though it is Closed Captioned (CC) for hearing impaired (as are most volumes), and sing-along lyrics have been added to the 1997 British VHS release and appear in the 2006 DVD release (though still incomplete).

The "Following the Leader" segment actually used a recording of the version in " Disneyland Fun" which censored any references to the Native Americans, owing to the racial controversy in the lyrics "We're off to fight the Injuns, the Injuns, the Injuns." from said musical number.This was the second live action sing along to not take place at a Disney resort, the first one being Mickey's Fun Songs Let's Go to the Circus!.In the 2000 VHS release, when the sun comes out at the start of the video, it is embossed to negative.Best Sellers Rank: 712,650 in Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry ( See Top 100 in Clothing, Shoes. On the 2000 re-release to VHS, the television was a rainbow for its first appearance. Package Dimensions : 3.46 x 2.01 x 0.43 inches 0.32 Ounces.Also in this version and the original 1996 version, the text below the "GREGORY SILLS" name reads "ENTERTAINMENT".In the 2000 VHS release, the woman said "TV" instead of "television".Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?.Josie (Redbone Coonhound, Rebecca and Clarisse's dog).Wolfie (Old English Sheepdog, Bobby's dog).Enzo (Jack Russell Terrier, Bret's dog).Pongo, Perdita and the puppies prepare for the Bow-Wow Ball, a party for dogs and their owners. Don't be late-you'll have a ball! Summary Features a never-before-released song from Disney's animated 101 Dalmatians. It's the day of the annual Bow-Wow Ball at the Dalmatian Plantation! Pongo, Perdita and Nanny do their best to keep your favorite puppies from Disney's new live-action hit, 101 Dalmatians, out of trouble before their friends arrive for the big party. Sing, dance and play along with your favorite Disney characters in fun-filled musical moments!